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Marine Environment Processes Harley Ryan Marine Environment Processes Harley Ryan

Pressing a Greener Juice

Running your own business is no mean feat and doing it with a bub in tow is a whole ‘nother kettle of fish. So I can’t help but be in total awe of local mum and entrepreneur Anne, who not only started her cold pressed juicing business Prodjuice shortly after the arrival of her daughter, but managed to do this with an environmentally conscious stance.

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Micro & Macro Plastics Harley Ryan Micro & Macro Plastics Harley Ryan

The last straw

Plastic straw use is generating extreme waste for unnecessary convenience. In recent times we have come to expect straws in our drinks when we dine out (even though we rarely use them when we stay in). In the US alone more straws than there are people get thrown out each day according to the Last Plastic Straw.

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